Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Kimberly Stewart with old pal Paris Hilton

Kimberly Stewart was left shocked when three lovers arrived at her party. Kimberly hosted a party at London's Wardour nightclub on Friday and was stunned when current squeeze Kings of Leon singer Caleb Followill and former lovers model Calum Best and British comic David Walliams showed up. A source said: "Kimberly couldn't believe it when she saw all three at the bash. Old flames meeting new flames would be a nightmare for most people, but Kimberly managed to cope with the awkward situation and still have a great night."The 27-year-old model, the daughter of Rod Stewart, began her evening speaking to Calum - the son of late soccer legend George Best.The pair, who partied at Boujis and China white nightclubs during Kimberly's two-week stay in the UK capital, embraced when Kimberly arrived at the club. Calum's mood changed when she turned her attentions to David. He stormed off leaving Kimberly to party with the 'Little Britain' star, who'd had an intimate dinner with her at The Dorchester hotel's China Tang restaurant on Tuesday. When Caleb arrived with his bandmates, Kimberly lost interest in David and spent the rest of the evening drinking tequila with the singer. Kimberly, who flew back to Los Angeles on Saturday, left with Caleb at 2am. Kimberly was in London to shoot the new campaign for fashion line Pinko.

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Saturday, April 07, 2007


Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera said Friday there were no hard feelings after they engaged in a shouting match unusual even for a cable opinion program where the volume is frequently set to loud. No chairs flew and no noses were broken. But the finger-pointing verbal duel over illegal immigration on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor" Thursday night became a water-cooler topic the next day. "Geraldo is a friend of mine and I think I respect him even more now, if that's possible, than I did before," O'Reilly told The Associated Press on Friday. But they disagree passionately on the issue, he said. "I've known him for 25 years," O'Reilly said. "Geraldo doesn't come on to pick a fight." Rivera said his sensitivity to a "massive witch-hunt" against illegal immigrants set him off Thursday. The two men were discussing the case of Alfredo Ramos, a man charged with manslaughter and suspected of being drunk when his car crashed into another in Virginia Beach last Friday. Two teen-aged girls were killed. Ramos, a Mexican who has been in the United States seven years, is allegedly in the country illegally. "He doesn't have a right to be in this country," O'Reilly said. He said he wanted immigration laws enforced while Rivera favored "open-border anarchy."
Rivera said O'Reilly shouldn't be turning a drunken driving case into an illegal immigration issue.
"Don't obscure a tragedy to make a cheap political point," Rivera told him. Rivera told the AP he has a particular sensitivity to the issue. His father, who came to New York from Puerto Rico in 1940, used to watch the news and pray that people who committed a crime weren't Puerto Rican, he said. "I think that illegal immigration is the gay marriage (issue) of this political season," he said. Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory and Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship in 1917. Rivera, who is a guest on "The O'Reilly Factor" once a week, said he doesn't come on to be cowed or bullied by the host's opinions.
O'Reilly called him after the taping to say, "that was lively, eh?" he said. "We're friends off camera," he said. "On camera, the fact of the matter is that we disagree on so many things that it always makes for good television." Rivera was host of a daytime syndicated talk show famous for its liveliness, where he even had a nose broken in a scrum. He's been working for Fox News since shortly after the 2001 terrorist attacks, and recently had a daytime syndicated news show produced by Fox canceled. His on-camera duel with O'Reilly seems to have struck a chord, judging by the requests he's getting to talk about the issue, Rivera said. The tape was played a couple of times Friday on ABC's "Good Morning America." At one point in the debate, Rivera told O'Reilly, "don't be ... Lou Dobbs' mom." CNN anchor Dobbs has made a crusade of illegal immigration on his program the past year. That was a new insult even for a TV host used to them. "I have been insulted by your organization and many other organizations," O'Reilly told the AP, "so nothing I hear surprises me."

Fox News Bill O'Reilly

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Friday, March 16, 2007


Bill O'Reilly Got It Right On This Fraud

Fraud and Fake ! Frederic Prince von Anhalt (bottom), husband of aging Hollywood sex symbol Zsa Zsa Gabor, Thursday said he has filed suit against a US broadcaster for libel in case involving another US sex symbol. Von Anhalt is seeking 10 million dollars damages from the Rupert Murdoch-owned Fox broadcaster over its coverage of his claims that he fathered a child with the late Anna Nicole Smith, von Anhalt told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. He has filed the libel suit claiming defamation of character in Superior Court in Santa Monica, he said. The sharp-tongued Fox commentator Bill O'Reilly called von Anhalt a 'fraud' for claiming paternity of the six-month-old baby Dannielynn, who has become the prize in a scramble for claim to fame and fortune among at least four bidders who are claiming custody. Smith, the curvaceous, tragedy-plagued gossip icon, was 39 when she collapsed and died on February 8 in a Florida hotel. After 22 days of dispute over who should have possession of her body, she was buried in the Bahamas next to her son, Daniel, who died inexplicably in her hospital room last September after she gave birth to Danielynn. Fox has already apologized to Anhalt for the remarks, but 'I'm not going to take this,' the 63-year-old pretender to German nobility said. Von Anhalt claimed to be Danielynn's father in a paternity suit filed in mid February, saying he had a ten-year-long intimate relationship with the one-time model. 'I know that we were together often in January 2006. I am convinced that she's my baby,' he insisted in the interview. Danielynn was born in September. In addition to von Anhalt, the key players in the custody battle are Smith's estranged mother Virgie Arthur; Howard K Stern, Smith's companion in recent years who is listed as the father on Dannielynn's birth certificate; and photographer Larry Birkhead, a former lover of Smith who also claims paternity of the child. Smith rose to fame in 1993 when she was named Playboy's Playmate of the Year. She married oil tycoon J. Marshall Howard, 89, in 1994 and was still battling for possession of half of the late Marshall's 1.6-billion-dollar estate when she died. Danielynn stands to inherit the money if and when the case is settled. Von Anhalt is the eighth husband of the Hungarian-born stage and screen personality Zsa Zsa Gabor, believed to be 90 years old, whose fame as an actress eroded into a tabloid tale of broken marriages, contentious lawsuits and scandalous behaviour. Von Anhalt, who purchased the title 'Prince Frederic of Anhalt' as an adult, has admitted in interviews that there's not much to Gabor's life behind the mansion walls.

Fake Prince Frederic Von Anhalt

You are a fraud and a fake. You had to buy your Prince title. You are not a real Prince. Bill O'Reilly was right. You never slept with Anna Nicole Smith. He called it like it is. I hope Fox will fight this case and get you in depositions to show the world what a FRAUD you really are. Zsa Zsa Gabor should divorce you. That will be REAL NEWS !


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Sunday, March 04, 2007


Naked Antonella Barba Survived Scandal

Four American Idol contestants were eliminated from the show the other night by the votes of America, paring the field down from 20 to 16.Those contestants were Nick Pedro, Alaina Alexander , AJ Tabaldo, and Leslie Hunt. Here is a recap of what transpired.

Booted Off Nick Pedro
Nick Pedro: He thought maybe not enough people voted, maybe they assumed he was safe. Song choice is probably the key thing. He didn't think he sounded like a crooner, but he went back to the judge's suggestion and did the "Fever" song and got a really good reception. "Hopefully it's the beginning of a few other things." Other contestants were telling him they thought he was safe. Last year he was just completely exausted from the schedule of the Hollywood round...was totally spent. He didn't want to be remembered that way and wanted to prove to himself and the world how good he really could be. It's bittersweet because he's really bummed to go home. The show has made Nick realize just really how passionate about music he is. Everyone else seemed to have some type of performace experience and he had zero. I have no regrets. I think being charming and charisma go hand in hand. I was just going to take my bow and sing my song and not have it out with anybody. I wanted to always maintain my honor. "When we sing, it's just kind of like we're naked up there."
Alaina Alexander: Aliana had nothing political behind her song and she hoped that didn't hurt her in any way. If she could do it over again she would be more educated in song chioce. She'd always written and played her own guitar and sang her own songs and while Nigel told her that in these first few performances you could do what you wanted, if you could get it cleared so she could have done her own song, she thought she'd wait. She always just tried to be herself and maybe it was just the song choice. Since everybody is cute, she doesn't know what it comes down to; it's so unpredictable. In regards to Antonella, Aliana noted that going into the show you let them know everything, so that if anything comes up, they can get your back. She also said that Antonella is "a trooper, she's strong, she's going to be just fine." "I love being creative, I love the fast pace...we'll see what happens" "Im not waiting for anybody." "It really hasn't set in that everyones seen me cry". It's hard the first time taking criticism from the judges. She's going to miss the fast pace. "What people dont understand, we are with each other every single day, we do things individually so when we're all together hanging out and waiting, its kind of like being in a fraternity."
AJ Tablado: Tried out five separate times, and he says that his family has been there for him throughout his journey. He doesn't regret his song choice (the same song as Leslie) and thinks that, since the judges enjoyed it, you can't blame the song for his elimination. AJ Tabaldo sees himself as having a big future as a singer and he won't be quitting any time soon. He's open to singing national anthems or whatever he needs to sing to succeed in the business. AJ finds the elimination days much more nerve-wracking than the performance days. AJ admits that he was surprised that he was voted off, but also says that he thought it was a possibility and that you just never know. AJ says that, contrary to what some might say, what the judges say really do mean a lot. While AJ is Phillipino, he is not fluent in the language, but is very in touch with Phillipino culture.
Leslie Hunt: Leslie has no idea why she was eliminated from the show last night, because she's just not too familiar with American Idol. She knew it was going to be tough but she was very surprised with the outcome. She thinks it was possibly because she isn't very mainstream and that maybe the American public couldn't identify with her. It was a risk that she felt she should take and that maybe she doesn't know America that well. She has Lupus, but also had an adverse reaction to a yellow fever vaccine in Brazil that almost killed her. She thought the dedications before each performance were very tough and "added to the drama of the whole thing." She wishes she had dedicated it to someone less emotionally tied to her but understood the theme among the girls to dedicate the song in a very emotional manner. She loves to laugh and found that in American Idol it's so easy to get stifled or be worried about the way you act. She was very honored to be admist such great performers. She can't say who she's backing because she feels evenly about everyone. Her and her best friend on the show, Gina, were really emotional at the end of the show and they were both sorry to be leaving each other and Leslie hopes that she'll do well because she deserves it.

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


American Idol's Antonella Barba Naked

Whether reporting on the latest Jack Bauer bind or Simon Cowell barb, the news teams at Fox affiliates are aces at pushing network synerge specially during sweeps. But Fox's New York City flagship, WNYW, dropped the ball last week on its American Idol tie-in. During Idol's Wednesday broadcast, a series of Fox 5 News promos breathlessly urged viewers to tune in at 10 p.m. for a report promising revealing photos of New Jersey Idol hopeful Antonella Barba. But as the newscast got under way, there was scant mention of Barba or the racy photos. It wasn't until 10:45 that anchor Rosanna Scotto said technical difficulties had scuttled the segment.Turns out Fox 5 spiked the Barba story in the name of democracy. According to a WNYW spokesperson, the station did not want to influence viewers who were still dialing and texting in their votes. (And this didn't occur to anyone before the station began plugging the story?) As for the photo which include a shot of Barba and friends topless at the beach, albeit with strategically placed hand they could be found online last week. Alas, none were available on Barba's MySpace page. With yet another News Corp. property in the mix, WNYW might've run the story and scored a cross-promotional trifecta.

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